Victoria McCooey

Victoria is a respected Divorce Coach, Divorce Mediator, and the creator of the Reclaim Your Power System™. She specializes in High Conflict relationships, focusing on women trapped in toxic, controlling or otherwise abusive marriages. Victoria is passionate about helping women level the playing field with their abuser and regain control of their lives. Through her writing, speaking, coaching, and social media, Victoria has helped thousands of acquire the skills, mindset shifts and courage necessary to leave a toxic marriage and to create a joyful new life for themselves and their children.

Book an appointment with me

If you feel lost and overwhelmed and have no idea what your next step should be, then you should schedule a 45-minute “Break-Through to Break-Free” session with me. This is a one-time introductory Zoom call where you’ll share your situation, and I’ll give you my best advice for getting unstuck from where you are. If we’re a good fit, then we can explore if you’d like to pursue one-on-one coaching with me.

Or, if you’re ready to take a deep dive into a specific challenge or pressing situation, you might prefer a 90-minute Deep Dive Session. We’ll get to the bottom of whatever you’re facing, and I’ll give you my best insights into what your next move might be. You can schedule as many of these sessions as you wish.



Working together with your spouse can help lower costs.

All mediation questions answered in less than 30 min.

A little more about us - Melissa Gragg.